
Recipe : Vegetarian Pizza

Recipe : Vegetarian Pizza

We propose you this delicious vegetarian pizza recipe

List of ingredients :

In a large bowl put the flour, salt, old-fashioned fruity olive oil and yeast (previously diluted in water for the dry yeast).
Pour the water gradually while stirring with a wooden spatula.
Work the dough, adding flour if necessary, until the dough no longer clings to the bowl.
Cover the bowl with a clean sheet and leave to stand for 1 hour.
Preheat the oven to 200°C (thermostat 6-7).

Thinly slice the peppers and then cut the courgette and onions into rings before frying them in a pan with olive oil.
Mix the aubergine goustade and the tomato coulis.
Spread the pizza dough and cover it with this mixture.
Add the vegetables and place the sliced mozzarella cheese on top.
Season with salt and pepper, add the herbes de Provence and the picholine olives.
Bake in the oven for about 20 min.
